Oswiecim, Poland; Former Auschwitz / Birkenau concentration camps

Latitude 50.04272°N Longitude 19.20685°E

Friday, December 19, 2003

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Photos: (click on images to see full size)

The infamous entrance gate of AuschwitzBlock 24, AuschwitzElectric barbed-wire fences, AuschwitzElectric barbed-wire fences, AuschwitzElectric barbed-wire fences, AuschwitzThe end of the line: Birkenau
Prisoner barracks, BirkenauLatrine room, BirkenauGate and watchtower, BirkenauRemains of gas chambers, BirkenauRemains of gas chambers, BirkenauRemains of gas chambers, Birkenau
A mountain of shoes from the prisoners of the concentration campsMemorial to the attrocities of the Holocaust, Birkenau

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