
Latitude 20.62315°N Longitude 87.07367°W

Sunday, September 29, 2002

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Awesome weather.

Up at 5:30am to catch the 6am ferry to Cozumel for the day.

First scuba dive with Keiko! Did a 2 tank ocean dive together to Palancar Reef with Studio Blue. Was a wall dive, spectacular coral, but not much sea life. These wonderful images are courtesy of Scuba Texas Tony and his way cool underwater digital camera. Thanks Tony, hope to see you again some time!

Finished around 2:30pm. wandered around town, but it was dead, dead dead! And stinking hot temp of almost 40°C.

Got 4pm boat back to Playa. Sat on beach for a while. then watched a beach volleyball contest.

Dinner. Bed soon after, very tired.

Dinner at La Casa del Agua.

Photos: (click on images to see full size)

Our first dive together!I can do it!Cozumel undersea lifeCozumel undersea lifeBaracudaShy octopus
Cozumel undersea life

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